Friday, February 26, 2010

A Time For Everything

There is a time for everything, and everything on earth has its special season. – Ecclesiastes 3:1 (NCV)

How has this been true in your life? What does this mean to you? What kind of special seasons have you gone through? What are some of the hard seasons? What are some of the joyous seasons? Where are you now?

Recently I sat down to write a Weekly Devotional. I had about a dozen different scriptures floating through my brain, but nothing substantial seemed to be formulating and I was getting frustrated.
To make matters worse my 15-month-old boy was also bothering me. He was grabbing onto the screen of the laptop and trying to close it. I looked at him and said, “Langston not right now, daddy is trying to work.” But he seemed neither to notice, nor to care, so I just tried to ignore him.
Then he came up with a book and set it next to me, and looked up at me smiling. “Langston we will read later, I am trying to do something.” Apparently he took that as an invitation to sit in my lap, because he tried pulling himself up. There was a part of me that was about to get angry when all of the sudden I realized how wonderful it was that he wanted me to read to him. Someday he won’t want his daddy reading to him. The work would still be there when we were done reading and playing, so I closed the computer and picked him up and read to him. And wouldn’t you know it, the work got done!

My little boy is in a special season of life and I better enjoy it or he will grow up and there will be time with him I can never get back. There is a time for everything, and that moment was not the time for me to write a devotional. It was the time to spend with a child who loves me and I thank my God that I did. We must realize that there really is a time for everything, because then we may actually be able to enjoy each moment for what it is, a miracle!

With hope and joy,

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