Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Shining Light

“No one after lighting a lamp covers it with a bowl or hides it under a bed. Instead, the person puts it on a lampstand so that those who come in will see the light.” – Luke 8:16 (NCV)

Is your lamp lit? Is it hidden? Did you hide it? What does it mean to let your light shine? Do people see your light? Have you seen the light of others? Where have you seen the light?

Part of the blessing of my job is how often I get to encounter incredible people. I meet people who live life in such a way that I discover myself living a better life than before just because I was around these beautiful people for a moment or two. The truth with which they live their lives, allows me to live into the truth of my life, becoming who I was created to be.
Yesterday I attended the funeral of a man whose life was too short. During my interactions with him, I only remember joys, laughter, and many encouraging words. To laugh was his way, to spread joy was his job, and to let his light shine was his life, at least it seemed so to me. His funeral provided me comfort, as all good funerals can, because I discovered that the man I knew was well known to many. I heard stories shared of how his joy brightened the lives of others. I heard stories about how his love saved others from despair. I heard more than once, in various descriptions, about how his light allowed the lights of others to shine brighter.
Too often we hide our lights for reasons we consider pragmatic. I have heard people say, “O I will do the things that provide me joy when I retire.” Or, “I can’t wait spend more time with my family, but I have to work.” Our lights shine when we are among people and love, living well because we can wherever we are right now. They must shine now for we never know when they shall be extinguished forever!
My friend died at 56 suddenly and surprisingly. His life was too short, but no one can say that it did not burn bright! He lived well and in the moment, and thank God he did for many live better because he lived at all.

Hiding our lights in the tomorrows of life may mean that we never let them shine. Let us pray that we live into the truth of who we were created to be, shining bright for all to see. We never know who might see us bright and joyous, and thereby take their lights from under the bed and let them shine bright too!

With hope and joy,

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