Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Minister's Minute from November Issue of the Journal of Hope and Joy

Last night I watched a miracle. Some say that miracles do not occur any more, that they were special things that occurred at a different time or, as the cynic says, maybe at no time at all. I do not believe that however, instead I believe we need eyes for miracles. It is easy to be blind to the miraculous all around us when we do not believe the miraculous is possible. It is impossible to be blind to the miraculous when looking through the lenses of faith, and sometimes God graces us with enough faith that we cannot help but see miracles.
I see miracles often, and I praise my God that I may be blessed to be a witness to such miracles. There are those who consider me foolish for believing what I have witnessed to be a miracle, in which case I praise my God that I am foolish enough to believe in miracles, for it has made life so much more worth living! I have seen the miracle of people who believed that they were worthless discover within themselves the image of God in which they were made and thereby the inherent and infinite worth they posses. I have seen people change their lives, often times quite suddenly and unexpectedly, as they felt the call of God upon their lives to not only change themselves but act as examples of love. I have seen a church left for dead resurrected through the power of the name of Jesus. I have seen hope given to the homeless and hungry. I have seen children blessed through the work of people who never knew their work could be a blessing. I have seen the miracle of birth and romantic love. I have seen the miracle of couples married for longer than I may ever live still in love. I have seen the miracle of hardened hearts melt into compassion. I have seen the miracle of “tree line” at 10,000 feet of elevation where it looks like God put the divine hand upon the mountain and commanded that no more trees grow. I have seen so many miracles that I feel a sincere pity for those who tell me they have never seen a miracle.
The miracle I saw last night was wonderful. At the Fall Festival this church did with the Salvation Army I walked through our education building and discovered that every room within its walls was in use. It is the first time since I have been here where every room has been in use at the same time… it is the first time I have ever seen some rooms in the building used at all! Children of different races and economic levels were playing games together and having fun together. I saw a miracle when we gathered in the Bible Study room and sung songs to our God together, a diverse group of children who generations ago would never have been in the same room together, worshipping their God who must have been smiling while observing the awesome spectacle, the incredible miracle!
Many of you who consider this church your home came together with the love of Christ pouring from you to ensure that this miracle occurred. I was even told that two youth have asked to know more about Jesus because of it! Can you believe that, because of something you did with Christ’s love children created by God are coming to know the God who loves them?!! What a miracle!
As we enter the holiday season and begin to consider things for which we are thankful, consider the wealth of miracles that we are blessed to have witnessed as more than enough reason to give thanks. What miracle will next occur that will cause us to overflow with thanksgiving? How will we see the love of Jesus pour out tomorrow? Where will the lenses of faith give us sight to see a miracle where others see nothing? Where will this wave of the Holy Spirit carry us next, and who will be blessed by the miracles taking place within us and outside of us wherever we are carried? I do not know, but it is with thanksgiving I wait to find out.
Riding the Wave of the Holy Spirit,

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