Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Our Need for Community

Then the LORD God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone…” – Genesis 2:18 (NRSV)

What does it mean to you that God wanted Adam to have company? Why do you think God wanted that? What is life like for someone who is alone? Why is good not to be alone?

As I drove toward the church earlier today I saw a massive flock of birds flying together. There must have been several hundred flying in a formation that resembled a school of fish in the sky. They flew as birds often fly, together changing direction instantaneously toward some goal of which they alone are aware.
While watching this dance take place I noticed a solitary bird flying aimlessly across the horizon. Not quite sure where to go, not quite sure what to do, she was alone and I was sad for the bird. But soon the solitary bird encountered the flock, and somehow immediately entered into the magical dance with the others. Her flight no longer bore the uncertainty of her loneliness, but exemplified the triumph that can only be awarded to one who knows that community is needed to make one whole.

Perhaps that is why God said it is not good that man should be alone. We need to be with others to be whole. When we are happy we have to share our joy. Where do you share your joy? When we are in despair and need we have to have others who can love us and help us. Where do you find such wonderful people? God says of each of us, “It is not good that you should be alone,” and God is right because we were created to be in community. If you do not have a community where you can feel whole go find one. There are many churches that might just be that place where you are embraced with love. If you already have such a community go find those who are flying alone. There are many people that might just need your embrace of love so they know they are not alone.

With hope and joy,

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