Sunday, March 8, 2009

Bringing Others To Christ

Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother's way. – Romans 14:13 (NIV)

How often do you pass judgments on others? When have you seen yourself as a stumbling block to others discovering God? What about how you are might help people discover Christ? How have you witnessed others act as obstacles?

I heard a story one time of a woman whose son was not a Christian. She was deeply concerned for him and let him know it, and convinced herself that he would become a Christian at any cost. In an effort to ensure that her son would accept Christ she purchased him books, made him listen to sermons, sent him cards with bible verses, but nothing seemed to work.
As time went on she grew incredibly frustrated and decided to go to God in prayer. She got on her knees and explained to God how hard she had been trying, and finally in a moment of sincere distress begged God saying, “Lord completely remove whatever obstacle is keeping my son from converting.”
There was a bright flash, and suddenly she disappeared!

Mahatma Gandhi was asked what he thought about Christians and replied, “I like your Christ, but I don’t like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” It is time to begin acting like followers of Jesus, by loving the hurt, going to the needy, being good and caring, and inviting everyone to a better way of life. When we look more like Christ, people who need Jesus will find him in us. Today decide to stop being a stumbling block to any, by becoming a loving neighbor to all!

With hope and joy,


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