My son figured out how to make my daughter laugh the other day. She was sitting on my lap and he started running at her laughing and making a scene and she responded by laughing too. It was the kind of laughter that was contagious. I suppose little child laughter always is. He just kept coming at her, and she just kept laughing, and soon I found myself laughing too. It was one of those near perfect moments in life. Then he did it again and she laughed and he looked up at me and said, “Daddy the baby loves me.” Perhaps that is perfect… at least I am not sure how it could have been more perfect and I pray to my God the memory of that moment never leaves me. It has already been my fuel for joy in moments of need.
Recently I have picked up a hobby. I like to take photos. While I am not very good I enjoy the hobby because it keeps me more aware of what is around me. There really is beauty everywhere! Last month I was asked to speak in Columbus and enjoyed the drive. Over four years I have lived here and I am still enamored by the beauty of this place. It was perfect day, at least to me. The clouds were high and white, the sky was blue, the sun was bright but the air was cool. Then there was the scenery, farms, trees, little towns, beauty and more beauty. I kept saying to myself I would love to have a picture of this or that. Finally on the way back as I passed by a pecan orchid void of leaves I could not help it anymore. I pulled over. Found a little road off to the side and got out. I discovered an angle I liked and took a picture. A truck came up and the man inside asked if I needed any help. I told him I had to stop to enjoy the beauty. He looked out with me for a moment and said, “Thanks for reminding me.” I wondered if he meant it… maybe not but I am glad I had the chance to share it and I pray to my God the memory of that moment never leaves me. It has already been my fuel for joy in moments of need.
A couple of weeks ago in church I was sad. I had heard the night before that my grandfather was not doing well. It is hard to be far from family sometimes. When the service started a twelve-year-old girl, or do we call them young women these days, came up front. I had no idea why, she just did. She said she wanted to ask us to pray for a friend of hers. Apparently she was sad too, and knew that church is a good place to go when one is sad. Someone said that we should pray right then. I ended up telling everyone about my grandfather, and we heard other prayer requests right at the beginning of the service. There were tears and it was good… I am sure that right then somewhere God was smiling that in Albany, Georgia a little church decided not to follow the order of service and to pray when the Spirit moved instead. I pray to my God the memory of that moment never leaves me. It has already been my fuel for joy in moments of need.
I was dropping my children off at day care last week. There I was looking like the frantic father trying to get my toddler and baby out of the car. Langston was stepping in puddles and Kensington was throwing up on me. It was hectic. Just about when I pretty sure I could not take anymore a woman who works at the day care was walking up. Politely I asked how she was doing. She simply responded, “This is the day that the Lord has made…” and then left it hanging. I finished the verse and suddenly the moment became holy. For a moment I thought maybe God would show up… God never did, at least not in person, but I pray to my God the memory of that moment never leaves me. It has already been my fuel for joy in moments of need.
What is your fuel for joy in moments of need? All around us there is reason for joy. The cynic would point out that there is also reason for despair, but I would counter there are only reasons to have people who offer fuel for joy so that joy abounds. To those who are hurting and in need, we must become their fuel for joy! God offers a world so full of beauty, a life filled with surprise, and moments of inspiration to each of us with the express intent that we in turn offer the world what God has given, joy!
Riding the Wave of the Holy Spirit,
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