Thursday, July 29, 2010

Wise and Healing Words

Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing. – Proverbs 12:18 (NIV)

When have words hurt you? Do you remember who said them? When have words healed you? Do you remember who said them? When have you used reckless words? Did you want to hurt someone? When did you use your words wisely? Did it bring healing?

The following is from Rabbi Joseph Telushkin and can be found here:
Over the past decade, whenever I have lectured on the powerful, and often negative, impact of words, I have asked audiences if they can go for 24 hours without saying any unkind words about or to anybody. Invariably, a minority of listeners raise their hands signifying "yes"; some laugh; and quite a large number call out, "no!"
I respond by saying, "Those who can't answer ‘yes’ must recognize that you have a serious problem. If you cannot go for 24 hours without drinking liquor, you are addicted to alcohol. If you cannot go for 24 hours without smoking, you are addicted to nicotine. Similarly, if you can not go for 24 hours without saying unkind words about others, you have lost control of your tongue."

It is well worth our time to read the rest of the Rabbi’s article, but the point is made. Sometimes we say mean things without knowing it, we call it miscommunication, and maybe it is. Miscommunication is easy when we don’t take the time to consider a situation. Maybe that is why the proverb comments about the tongue of the wise. It is a wise person who takes the time to realize that miscommunication is possible and ensures that her words are healing no matter what, and what would the world look like if we could all control our tongues for 24 hours? Perhaps it is time to find out!

With hope and joy,

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