Upon the first time I sat at a keyboard prepared to type out some Minister’s Minute for the simple monthly newsletter this church put out, I considered bible verses which might be appropriate for such an occasion. There I was, the new pastor of a tiny church. I was far from home and had little idea of what I was doing. You know those times you find yourself in a situation and you wonder, “What just happened? How did I get here? What the heck I am suppose to do?” or something very similar? That is where I was. I will not say I was nervous, because I did not feel nervous. It was more like I was in shock. I hate to disappoint those who were concerned I was going to experience some type of cultural shock on a scale of grand proportions, because I did not. It was a different type of shock. For the first time I sat down to write this as someone granted the title “Reverend.” Considering it even now is somewhat of a shock, I am hardly to be revered and am often times discovered to be irreverent. How did I ever get this title? How did I ever get into a situation where some might consider me a pastor of a church? I mean I had some friends in college who said they would become religious if I ever actually became a minister. And there I was, writing a Minister’s Minute.
There was a second element of shock that when coupled with the first did cause me to question my sanity. Did I really just choose to move my whole life, wife and all, across the country to a dying church? “Not only am I am the irreverent reverend, I am the stupid irreverent reverend,” I thought to myself. So I prayed for some bible verse I might find which would be appropriate for the moment, a bible verse that would provide direction and make some sense of the incredible situation.
As God is always good, after such a prayer something popped into my head about God doing a new thing. With the aid of Google I discovered it was Isaiah 43:19, “I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” So I began by sharing that passage, saying that God is about to do a new thing at First Presbyterian Church…
Much has changed since that moment I felt God declare to me, “I am about to do a new thing!” The church has become a home to many more people, our bible studies now average three times more people than the services were averaging (thank you Elaine), we are coming up with new ministries, working with more churches, doing new outreach, and much more. Much has also changed with me too. I no longer feel like I am far from home, but believe at this time in my life, I am home. I have a child… a native of Georgia, poor kid. I think my sermons are a little better. I still have no idea what I am doing, but at least I am more comfortable not knowing. And I finally figured out how I got that “Reverend” title, God’s grace.
But there is one thing that has not changed. I can still feel the declaration of God proclaiming to me and to our church, “Behold, I am about to do a new thing!” Monty Cox said something during my interview I shall never forget. I asked the committee why they even bothered staying at the church when things seemed to be going so poorly. I expected the normal answers that come from members of dying churches like, my family has been going here forever, my children were baptized here, I was married here, this is the only place they will give me power, or something similar. Monty, however, spoke with a truth that came from the Spirit of God when he said, “Because I don’t believe God is done with us yet.”
He is still right! God is not done with us yet! The reason I can still feel God proclaiming the new things that are about to happen is because there is much left to do. What is your part going to be? How are you going to get involved? What new mission will you begin? How will you change this church for the glory of God? In what way will you move this place toward becoming God’s hope and joy? It is springing forth now, this newness of God, can you perceive it yet?
Riding the wave of the Holy Spirit,
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