“An anxious heart weighs a man down, but a kind word cheers him up.” – Proverbs 12:25 (NIV)
How has an anxious heart weighed you down? Who do you know who is anxious and nervous? What kind word do you have for people? What kind word has cheered you up?
The following story is from Beth Fryer and can be found at: http://www.peopleandpossibilities.com/33kindnessstories2.html
“Once, many years ago, my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer and was scheduled for a mastectomy. That morning I attended a college class in which the husband of a good friend was also a student. Most mornings we said hello to one another and that was about it - he would sit with his guy friends, and I usually sat alone. When he entered class that morning, he came and sat next to me. He never mentioned my mom, never talked about the situation at all... he just sat next to me and chatted a bit. That was the day I learned that sometimes the kindest act is just to BE there... and I always remember this as one of the most touching acts of kindness I've ever received.”
Acts of kindness, kind words, and kind people will always help others struggling through difficult times! My wife and I were speaking about our 5-month-old son wondering what kind of person he will become. We thought some and finally my wife said, “I don’t care what he becomes as long as he is kind.” The words of the prophet Micah still ring true as he wondered what more the Lord requires of us than to practice justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with our God!
An anxious heart weighs a person down, and sometimes an anxious person isn’t so kind. When met with mean people it is easy to become mean and angry in return. But today pray that we become lovers of kindness, and respond to all people with a kind word, gesture, or action. We never know what anxiety we may help overcome!
With hope and joy,
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