Monday, September 8, 2008

The Greatest Commandment

“This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.  No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.  You are my friends if you do what I command you.  I do not call you servants any longer, because the servant does not know what the master is doing; but I have called you friends, because I have made known to you everything I have heard from my Father.” – John 15:12-15 (NRSV)

What friends do you have that you love with the greatest love?  How have you experienced the love of those who are willing to sacrifice themselves for you?  What does it mean to be willing to die for your friends?  Jesus laid down his life for us, his friends, would you lay down your life for him?  Are you Jesus’ servant, or are you his friend?

The following story I received by e-mail years ago:

There was a family that was experiencing a small tragedy. One of their two sons had acquired an illness that required a marrow transplant. Of course, the medical personnel had all the family members tested to see who had the proper type of blood. It turned out the older brother of the sick boy was the perfect match. So the father sat the older brother down and told what they needed to do in simplest terms for the young boy. The father told him that his little brother was very very sick and that he needed to show his little brother how much he loved him by having surgery. The doctors need to take a little piece of him and put it in his little brother's body so that he doesn't die. The young boy thought about it for a couple seconds, and then he said he would do it.

So the older brother went through surgery. It was a success, and his little brother was recovering quickly. After the relief and joy passed over and the family was just sitting around relaxing, the father noticed his older son looking a little down and depressed. He took his son aside and asked him why he wasn't happy- his brother was getting better. His son said that he was very glad that his brother was getting better. So the father asked again, why are you so sad? The boy said, "When is it time for me to die?"

That's when the father realized what the boy actually had on his mind. His older son believed in his heart of hearts that he had to give up his own life so that his little brother who he loved could live.

We do not always have to give up our life for those we love to live; we just have to love in such a way!  Loving in this way forces our hearts to overflow with gladness and joy, and touches the lives of those around us.  Loving in this way changes attitudes and perspectives.  Loving in this way is truly following the command of Christ.  Jesus loves you as a friend!  As his friend love others the same way, be willing to sacrifice yourself for your friends in need just because you love them.  That is what love does!!

With hope and joy, 


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